• A Minute To Midnite

    A Minute To Midnite brings you news, interviews, survival tips, and insights into the world as we watch Biblical Prophecy unfold in the 21st century. We believe in encouraging people to prepare for the End Time events that are ahead – as we watch the signs unfold before us!

  • Hope For Our Times

    Hope For Our Times' goal is to encourage people in the Word and help them to remember that God’s plans will prevail. It may look like things are falling apart but things are actually falling into place

  • NBW Ministries

    Not By Works Ministries advances the clear, accurate, and urgent Gospel message while providing commentary and insights on current events through the lens of Scripture.

  • Olive Tree Ministries

    Olive Tree Ministries purpose is to help people understand the times according to the Bible, contend for the faith in Jesus Christ, and help the Church stand against deception as watchmen on the wall in these last days!

  • Prophecy Watchers

    Prophecy Watchers' priorities are to evangelize those outside Christian belief, to educate Christians in the tenets of the faith, to exalt the Gospel of grace, and to correctly and clearly expound Bible prophecy.

  • Tip of the Spear Ministries

    Tip of the Spear Ministries, guiding you through the prophetic landscape of the last days with clarity, hope, and Biblical truth.



The people we endorse and recommend on our website are ones we follow, and we have tested their teachings against Scripture. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 11:14 and Proverbs 27:9 that there is safety in the multitude of Biblical counsel. We appreciate the fact that these teachers and speakers that we follow and who we will introduce to you, are interconnected, like-minded, mature believers who have a sincere desire to get the truth of God’s Word out to a lost world and to address the apostacy of this age.

They have different fields of expertise, and hence cover a number of important topics and many issues we face today such as AI technology, archaeology, astronomy, politics WEF, NWO, economics, eschatology (the study of the end-times), in-depth Bible teachings, the understanding of National Israel Biblically and much more.

An important safeguard is that they frequently minister together, whether through interviews or conferences, with a check amongst them, and we know that if any should fall into error regarding Biblical doctrine, the others would challenge and correct them, and if necessary, warn against their error.

It is very important today that there be a Biblical check in what is being said and taught. God gave the Body of Christ the ministry of the teacher, and we want to help people find safe, Biblical teachers.

Keeping in mind that none of us know it all, we need to have teachable spirits, and we need to take what we hear to the Lord and His Word. A great deal of prophecy, Old and New Testament, points to our time – the time of the end. As events progress, we do not have new Scripture, but we have a greater understanding of what was written. We are seeing how nations and world events are lining up to fulfil the Word of God. We pray that these teachers and speakers will help us to connect the Biblical dots.

Points to ponder when listening to others:

  • Does the Scripture actually say that?
  • It’s a bigger question – not an argument.
  • Why?
  • Where in Scripture does it say that?
  • What about this other reference?
  • What is the context?

We have learned a number of things along the way in our Christian walks and believed doctrines from our church affiliations, but do they actually line up with the Word of God?